Certifications and Schemes

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has prepared clear norms that should be followed by a particular certificate in order for the certification process to be considered as a standard.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management System

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard dedicated to Quality Management Systems(QMS). It outlines a framework for improving quality and a vocabulary of understanding for any organization looking to provide products and services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties in the most efficient manner possible. The QMS is the aggregate of all the processes, resources, assets, and cultural values that support the goal of customer satisfaction and organizational efficiency. First published in 1987, the latest iteration (ISO 9001:2015) replaces ISO 9001:2008.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental
Management System

ISO 14001 standard provides guidance on how to consider multiple aspects of your business procurement, storage, distribution, product development, manufacturing, etc.- so that it reduces its impact on the environment. It also drives you to evaluate how you manage emergency response, customer expectations, stakeholders and your relationships with your local community.

ISO 20000-1:2018 IT
Service Management

ISO 20000 is a global standard that describes the requirements for an information technology service management(ITSM) system. The standard was developed to mirror the best practices described within the IT Infrastructure Library(ITIL) framework.

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational
Health & Safety Management System

ISO 45001 specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S performance.

ISO 27001:2018 Information
Security Management

These are essential standard guidelines that serve to preserve confidentiality of information, which makes it to be authentic and edit proof; essentially securing the data from any type of fraud.

ISO 50001:2018
Energy management

Managing energy sources in an organization is essential for data storage & production line equipments. This certification provides guidelines to monitor, managing of energy & improve the practice in due course.

ISO 22301:2012 Business
Continuity Management

This norm helps your organization to be aware of any kind of business threats, so that you can take a cautious & proactive approach to keep your business information confidential.

ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety
Management System

A management system that ensures edible food is free from any type of contamination such as physical, chemical or biological. A food industry is mandated to follow strict guidelines of food safety.

ISO 31000:2018
Risk Management

These norms help an organization to assess potential risks, threats or hazards & analyze these areas in order to create guidelines to keep the confidence of investors & stakeholders.

ISO 21001:2018 Educational
Organizations Management

This standard is for all organizations that have a research wing. It enhances the continual learning process along with acquiring of knowledge with the scope of improving the whole research process.

ISO 41001:2018
Facility Management

This standard helps an organization to integrate all the facilities available to them, which includes the families of employees, and processes that can enhance their global value, in one place in order to enhance their overall quality.

ISO 37001:2016 Anti
Bribery Management Systems

This standard helps an organization to fight against corruption, by being more open & transparent with employees. A friendly yet firm management can deal with unhappy or troublesome employees without further escalation of the issue.